We decided to take the scenic route back to Melbourne and visit a few local silo art projects.

Returning to Melbourne, and returning to the house we stayed in last time. We’d been so comfortable here and this time we’d be joined by mum and dad Glover. The girls are beyond excited to see both Grandma and Papa again and be staying back at the house with all the wonderful toys.

Goldilocks was going to be having an adventure on her own. Going on a truck up to Coolum for repairs. The unpacking the van is always a pain. Making sure we have clothes, toiletries, school work, and then ensuring the toilet is clean, (3 weeks unattended and it’ll be stinking to high heaven) and finally perishable food in the cupboards, draws, fridge and freezer.
It seems we weren’t the only ones not enjoying the unpacking of the van. Seems we had pissed off the neighbors. It’s not easy parking a 22ft van plus car hitch on, in an inner city suburb. We’d checking in with the local council and tried to get a permit only to be told we don’t need one. They understand from time to time a large truck may need to pull up for deliveries, moving or parking your caravan to go on holidays, as long as its no longer than 48 hours.
Still some people just like to be angry and love a little drama. So out they were, taking pictures of us, huffing and puffing, starring and glaring. Didn’t bother to come and talk to us, ask what we were are doing and how long we might be? So when I approach her to apologize for any inconvenience and say we’d be gone in half an hour. I received a telling off and firmly informed we were out the front of her house. “do you know this is my house!” We’ve met plenty of amazing people on our travels but I think this maybe grumpiest. Wishing her better days.
The next day we were all a buzz expecting the arrival of Grandma and Papa. Mum had a conference in Melbourne and they were coming to stay with us after it finished. What a joyful reunion and the grandies had plenty of fun and games lined up. It was going to be a hectic week for Grandma and Papa.
We had very little planned. A few outings but wanted to allow lots of time to just hang around the house and play too, as that is the favorite thing to do. Our first few days we familiarize ourselves with the local area (Middle Park and St Kilda), playgrounds, trams, cafe’s and tried to lay out a bit of a plan for the week. It was also a great opportunity to see some family all together.
Saturday rolled round and we had tickets to a children’s ballet performance of Coppealia at the Art Centre. Dad had plans to catch up with Brad (my cousin) and Geoff (my uncle) so we had a spare ticket which worked out beautifully as it gave us a wonderful day with Aunty Corry who was free to join us for the performance, lunch and a wonder through the national gallery.

Turns out it was the 4th of May and Federation Square was full of Star Wars clad people and even a space craft from the films. It was only half way through lunch that I realized what it was all about. ‘May the fourth be with you’. Melbourne always knows how to turn on a show. It really was a lovely day and always a treat getting some precious time with Aunty Coz.

Sunday was a bit more family time. Heading up to Seville for dinner and a catch up with Carol, Stef and Nick. Georgia was looking forward to visiting with Mini the kitten again and we’d left a box of things with Carol before we went to Tassie that we needed to collect. As always it was another happy family occasion.
The week was flying by and we are expecting another visitor to join us soon. But first the girls had a list of must do’s with Grandma and Papa before that. LEGO land at Chadstone, shopping in the city with Grandma, baking a belated birthday cake (Harry Potter cake of course) for Charlotte’s birthday, games, games, games!

About a year ago we had purchased some tickets to Harry Potter – The Cursed Child and had given them to Charlotte for her birthday. It turned out we were going to have a spare ticket. There was no one more deserving or a bigger HP nut that we knew off and loved, so it was an easy choice to make whom we’d give it to. Irene sorted out the logistics of getting to Melbourne and then we just let the good times roll. The girls just love her and I’ve REALLY missed girlfriends on this trip.
Harry Potter was a two part show, matinee and evening show all in the one day. Mum, Irene and Charlotte visited the Store of Requirement before the show and met Ken at the theatre later and Papa, Georgia, Lulu and I went to the Aquarium and a little shoe shopping. The Aquarium was great and it was amazing and unexpected to see Emporia Penguins, so cool – (boom boom).

We then met the Harry Potter peeps for dinner between their performances. It was tricky getting a table at any of the recommended mid show eateries. But we found a Betty’s Burger Bar just around the corner, kid friendly, coeliac safe and empty. Perfect. Betty’s Burgers hails from Noosa and we’d enjoyed eating there. The food was just as delicious but with a cool, dark Melbourne outside it felt a little out of place with its light refreshing coastal vibe. Still it did the job.

Well feed and having heard about each other days we parted ways again. A tram ride home for Papa, Georgia, Lulu and myself and back to the theatre for the Pot Heads. It was an amazing experience by all accounts and easy to see them all still floating on cloud nine the next day.
We had share many great days together and many a great meal around the dinner table. Our last night together wasn’t any different. We’d spent the day packing and preparing for the next stage, while Reeni explored Melbourne some more. The house had been fantastic, friends and family fabulous and tonight a little time to count our blessing. Plentiful and abundant they are.

We finished our time together with our last breakfast at our favorite little cafe – Frankies. We’d also shared many a fabulous lunch here and the chance to squeeze in one more was too appealing. Farewells are always hard but with our hearts and bellies full and more adventure on the horizon we parted ways and say goodbye to Melbourne, till next time.
Brings back wonderful memories
Loved the painted silos what was the foxes doing tied to the fence? Charlottes birthday excellent