Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE kitty cats. So I am going to share on our blog all the cats I meet on our travels around Australia. 😺
First here is us saying goodbye to our beloved River. I am missing her so much. Before we left mum laminated these picture for me and they are in my bunk area.
Let me introduce caravan cat. She sit by the door and tells me she loves waiting for us to come home and open the door.
The first cat that I met on our travels was a travelling kitten. She was on a lead sitting with her family at the the Cocklebiddy Roadhouse. She was a dark grey with stripes, a sweet little thing but we didn’t get a picture of her.
The next cat I met was Streaky Bay cat. We met her as we rode into town on our bikes. She was sitting by the the sea, cleaning herself. She was really friendly and pounced up at me when I went to pat her. Then she followed me down the path back to my bike.
I really wanted to take her home, but she had a yellow collar so I guess she had an owner. It always makes me feel happy to meet a cat.