So we have made it to civilization again. A spotless, small, well cared for and privately owned caravan park. With a playground a short cycle away and a windmill museum just opposite. In fact Penong claims fame to the home of Australia’s largest windmill – the comet!
Water was the most exciting feature though. The laundry amenities immaculate so I took the opportunity to get all the linen done. Our little machine in the van won’t manage to do more then one sheet at a time and the bed spread is out of the question. $4 a load didn’t seem too bad.
Unfortunately we have had a few niggling issues with the van. One being it’s big claim to fame, being dust proof. Well ours is currently not. An issue I am sure Zone will sort when we arrive in Coolum. But in the mean time we will try and stay off dirt roads now and continue to clean up the dust.
While I did the washing, Ken and the girls explored the town and windmills on their bikes and in the evening we had a lovely pub meal and friendly conversation with the locals.
The next day the girls were sick of the traveling wanting a day about the van. So that’s what we did. We had hoped to visit a few local sights but somehow the day slipped away.

We did a little schooling in the morning. The day before Charlotte had spotted the local netball courts and wanted to go, so we jumped on the bikes and Georgia and Lulu played in the play ground while Charlotte produced from her bag a netball and her trusty speaker, (great birthday gift Grandma and Papa). Never movement without music for this girl. She was willing to take a few coaching tips from me and I have to admit it felt good being back on a netball court.
The rest of the day we relaxed before dinner and we were treated to another dashing desert from Charlotte. She does like to cook up a storm and has some very high faluting idea’s for a small caravan kitchen. But the end product was delicious, it only took me a few hours to clean up after her ;).

We enjoyed our stay here even though we really didn’t really explore the local area. Next stop Streaky Bay!